Right up front, we must acknowledge and give thanks to the adventuresome
geocacher that brought to the southwestern United States, the
DeepSouthwest Geocaching Project,
upon which LonelyCache is modeled. The DeepSouthwest Geocaching
Project, or DGP for short, was a website started sometime in 2004 that introduced the
ChallengePoint scoring system for geocaches.
Though some things are done a little differently here at LonelyCache,
by and large, the cache scoring system that the DGP introduced is
used here as well.
Unfortunately, the DGP ceased updating its geocaching statistics in September
of 2011. The caching community of the southwest, especially those of us who
grew addicted to seeking out those difficult and lonely geocaches, went into
deep DGP withdrawal pains! Cries of, “I want my DGP!” rang out across the land.
So almost a year later, after a lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears,
LonelyCache was officially launched on International Geocaching Day, August 18th, 2012.
So thanks DGPadmin, wherever you are, for bringing so much adventure and richness
into our lives through your invention of the DGP ChallengePoint scoring system.
In fact, DGPadmin explained the
scoring system so clearly and
thoroughly on the DGP website, that we have reproduced the explanation, in its