1 |
150 mile hike challenge for Montana
by opted-out user
Flathead county, MT |
174 (152) |
2 |
by Rolling Oldies
Sanders county, MT |
144 (133) |
3 |
Montana Alphanumeric Challenge
by Rainnstar
Hill county, MT |
89.1 (83.5) |
4 |
Not Looking for Pearl
by Rainnstar
Hill county, MT |
75.5 (71.5) |
5 |
by happyhuntingherrings
Sanders county, MT |
73.0 (62.5) |
6 |
Lake Como Puzzle
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
62.5 (54.7) |
7 |
The Goofy Gulch Geocacher
by CheekyLamps
Missoula county, MT |
61.5 (58.7) |
8 |
Playing With Science
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
51.0 (49.8) |
9 |
Map Cache
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
50.5 (49.4) |
10 |
by glaciergrizzly
Flathead county, MT |
48.9 (46.7) |
11 |
The Montana DeLorme Challenge
by Jennifer&Dean
Lewis and Clark county, MT |
48.3 (47.0) |
12 |
Le Cinquiéme Élément
by 3020
Flathead county, MT |
47.5 (45.2) |
13 |
Polson Potpourri
by nail13zg
Lake county, MT |
47.3 (45.6) |
14 |
Booty Of Magpie The Mountain Muggle
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
46.4 (41.8) |
15 |
3 X 3 X 3 (The Puzzle)
by glaciergrizzly
Flathead county, MT |
44.6 (43.0) |
16 |
Down by The River
by dino4535
Flathead county, MT |
44.1 (42.4) |
17 |
A Quiet Place for this Puzzle cache
by nail13zg
Lake county, MT |
43.6 (41.4) |
18 |
Skeeter Haven Puzzle #3
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
43.4 (42.1) |
19 |
Under Two
by glaciergrizzly
Flathead county, MT |
43.3 (41.6) |
20 |
Numbers, Numbers and More Numbers
by bish0p
Lincoln county, MT |
39.4 (38.5) |
21 |
Geocacher's Mixtape
by Hemorrhage
Flathead county, MT |
39.2 (38.0) |
22 |
The "Ayes" Have It
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
38.1 (35.0) |
23 |
Rotten Cache
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
37.4 (36.0) |
24 |
Got Batteries ??
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
35.3 (34.2) |
25 |
Benjamin Road #30
Toole county, MT |
35.2 (33.9) |
26 |
MC - Danny
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
34.1 (33.0) |
27 |
Skeeter Haven Puzzle #1
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
33.7 (32.8) |
28 |
CCS 7431 Challenge Cache
by washmont
Cascade county, MT |
32.1 (31.1) |
29 |
A Montana Tribute
by MysticusHiker
Missoula county, MT |
31.6 (30.7) |
30 |
Bridge #91285...Its challenging!
by Summer Sky Dawg
Missoula county, MT |
31.1 (30.4) |
31 |
Where The Wild Things Are
by Bubblesquashsqueek
Lake county, MT |
30.9 (29.8) |
32 |
MC - Emily
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
30.2 (29.4) |
33 |
CCS - 20 Montana Favorites Challenge
by washmont
Cascade county, MT |
30.2 (29.3) |
34 |
The Night of the Vampire Armadillo [Night Cache]
by TheRoamingArmadillo
Lewis and Clark county, MT |
29.9 (28.7) |
35 |
MC - Carolyn
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
28.6 (27.8) |
36 |
898 22243
by dtsydnal
Flathead county, MT |
28.5 (27.8) |
37 |
OHM Me . . OHM My
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
27.8 (27.1) |
38 |
I've Been Everywhere
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
27.5 (26.8) |
39 |
L&C Camp September 6, 1805
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
27.3 (27.0) |
40 |
Blue Devils Run
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
26.1 (23.5) |
41 |
L&C Camp September 7, 1805
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
26.0 (25.7) |
42 |
MC - Tarl
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
25.7 (25.1) |
43 |
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
25.7 (25.3) |
44 |
MC - Stellan
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
25.6 (25.0) |
44 |
USS Montana
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
25.6 (25.0) |
46 |
Sweet Pea
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
24.9 (24.2) |
47 |
I'm in Flathead
by cte40363
Flathead county, MT |
24.3 (23.8) |
48 |
I Love School
by FamilyFun_4Ever
Flathead county, MT |
24.0 (23.4) |
49 |
Roadside Bingo
by MTKiwi
Lake county, MT |
24.0 (23.5) |
50 |
Montana State County Challenge
by Cookingbugs05
Liberty county, MT |
23.9 (23.4) |
51 |
L&C Camp July 5, 1806
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
23.7 (23.5) |
52 |
by Montana CPR Guy
Flathead county, MT |
23.7 (23.1) |
53 |
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
23.6 (22.5) |
54 |
Night of the Grizzlies
by Raynebeau
Missoula county, MT |
23.2 (22.8) |
55 |
7 Countries Challenge
by betzij
Lake county, MT |
22.9 (17.2) |
56 |
by Mom&Dad
Daniels county, MT |
22.3 (22.1) |
57 |
L&C camp September 4&5, 1805
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
21.6 (21.4) |
58 |
Still Between Here And There
Lake county, MT |
21.5 (21.1) |
59 |
MC - Julia
by annejon9
Missoula county, MT |
21.5 (21.1) |
60 |
56 in 406
Lake county, MT |
21.1 (20.7) |
61 |
A Kakuro Challenge
by mttroutslyr
Missoula county, MT |
21.0 (20.8) |
62 |
My First Puzzle Cache
by Montana CPR Guy
Flathead county, MT |
20.8 (20.4) |
63 |
Rails / Trails / Trilogy
by Ajax Three
Flathead county, MT |
20.0 (18.9) |
64 |
Bond, James Bond
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
19.6 (18.1) |
65 |
Where am I
by washmont
Cascade county, MT |
19.0 (18.4) |
66 |
Missoula Sudoku - Irregular Medium
by CheekyLamps
Missoula county, MT |
18.3 (17.9) |
67 |
Ben's SuDoKu Puzzle
by Jennifer&Dean
Ravalli county, MT |
18.2 (18.0) |
68 |
9 Icons in a Day Challenge
by threshergirl
Ravalli county, MT |
18.1 (16.8) |
69 |
Between Here And There
Lake county, MT |
18.1 (17.7) |
70 |
Come on Down to South Park!
by CashiiX
Flathead county, MT |
18.0 (16.2) |
71 |
One Busy Day: A Montana Challenge Cache
by dc.hiker
Gallatin county, MT |
17.9 (17.7) |
72 |
Corvallis: Heart of The Valley Bonus Cache
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
17.7 (17.0) |
73 |
Iron Bridge
by glaciergrizzly
Flathead county, MT |
17.7 (17.4) |
74 |
Polson Bay
by MTKiwi
Lake county, MT |
17.3 (17.1) |
75 |
Missoula Sudoku - Diagonal Medium
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
17.2 (16.8) |
76 |
Geocaching Around the World Challenge
by ldalbey
Lake county, MT |
17.1 (15.2) |
77 |
Fishes of Montana
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
16.9 (16.6) |
78 |
Sudoku Suprize
by Kiwibird
Missoula county, MT |
16.7 (16.0) |
79 |
Missoula County Burma-Shave #1
by Jennifer&Dean
Missoula county, MT |
16.7 (16.5) |
80 |
Round Two
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
16.7 (14.8) |
81 |
Council Grove State Park History
by Warghost13
Missoula county, MT |
16.5 (16.0) |
82 |
Dressed - To - The - Nines
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
16.4 (15.4) |
83 |
Rocky's Rebus Puzzle
by CashiiX
Flathead county, MT |
15.9 (14.2) |
84 |
Quacking The Code
by Team_BobKat
Cascade county, MT |
15.8 (15.6) |
85 |
I Spy...Daly History Adventure Lab Bonus
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
15.7 (14.7) |
86 |
Stitch Count
by glaciergrizzly
Flathead county, MT |
15.4 (15.2) |
87 |
Got Cribbage ?
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
15.2 (14.8) |
88 |
Little Free Library
by MysticusHiker
Missoula county, MT |
15.1 (14.8) |
89 |
Longest Streak vs Longest Slump Challenge
by MysticusHiker
Missoula county, MT |
15.1 (14.9) |
90 |
PictoPuzzle Dangle
by Notorious-Sam
Flathead county, MT |
15.0 (14.8) |
91 |
Square Deal
by threshergirl
Ravalli county, MT |
14.9 (14.0) |
92 |
Northwest Montana Jasmer Challenge
by blackdogsMT
Lake county, MT |
14.6 (14.2) |
93 |
Bonus for Filming Yellowstone in the Bitterroot AL
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
13.9 (13.0) |
94 |
Helena Salutes The R,W,B - Adventure Lab Final
Lewis and Clark county, MT |
13.5 (13.1) |
95 |
Kalispell Historic Skylines
by Ajax One
Flathead county, MT |
13.4 (13.0) |
96 |
Yellowstone: the TV Series
by DairyMedic
Ravalli county, MT |
13.0 (12.3) |
97 |
Kid's Nature Trail Cache
by CerealBoxMonsters
Lewis and Clark county, MT |
12.8 (12.7) |
98 |
Geo Cache
by Nuttshel
Missoula county, MT |
12.6 (12.0) |
99 |
Montana Wildlife and Fish Cache Name Challenge
by Summer Sky Dawg
Flathead county, MT |
12.6 (12.4) |
100 |
Intro to Sudoku
by Ajax Two
Flathead county, MT |
12.3 (12.1) |